Young And Gifted

A heart felt plea from the youth of today.

young people get a lot of rap from the older generations. We are by very definition change and progress, so embrace us a little more yeah…

Amplify’d from Web Stuffs

Amplify’d from

The current generation of youth, which I am proud to say I am a part of, perhaps has the most freedom and the most potential of any generation to date. We are the independent generation. The internet generation, where content is free and we can share and communicate freely with anyone anywhere at any time. We are the information generation, with access to anything we want to know instantly.

You must respect us or we will struggle to respect you, and you must embrace change. We are unstoppable both in numbers and in power. We are perhaps the biggest leap towards individuality ever. Everything from our dresses to our music tastes to the way we talk must in it’s own way be different. This poses a threat to the powers that be and have been, because we are more unpredictable and more unique than ever before. Yet in the systems that control us there is no voice that represents us. 18-24yr olds are adults, and we are the biggest group of adults, yet there is no voice for us in politics or business. Businesses that represent us are like us, they are many in numbers and each individual, new and unique, but as a result they do not have the power that the big giants have. They would have us all be defined in less catagories so we are easy to target, but those days are over.


Youth of a Generation

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