Proponents of tougher regulation are calling for everything from outright bans to warning labels stating that mixing caffeine and alcohol could carry health or safety risks.
A primary concern of the groups is that caffeine and other stimulants may mask feelings of drunkenness, which could lead users to act recklessly, such as driving while intoxicated.
So how is this different than a rum and coke? Irish cofee? etc. Drinkers have been mixing alcohol with caffiene in drinks forever. Now it’s wrong because the industry is doing it for us?
FDA warns makers of caffeinated alcoholic drinks
NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. regulators warned makers of caffeinated alcoholic drinks that their products are unsafe and violate federal laws, following a public outcry and several state bans.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration sent warning letters on Wednesday to four firms -- Phusion Projects LLC, United Brands Co, New Century Brewing Co and Charge Beverages -- charging that seven of their drinks combining alcohol and caffeine were unsafe.
Sweetened drinks with high levels of alcohol and caffeine have grabbed headlines across the country in recent weeks after several incidents involving hospitalization after their consumption. In many cases, the drinkers were underage.
Health experts say mixing alcohol and caffeine is dangerous because the stimulant masks the effects of the alcohol, letting people drink long after they would have otherwise stopped.
FDA's Hamburg said the combined consumption of high levels of caffeine and alcohol led to a state of "wide-awake drunk" and has been linked to alcohol poisoning, automobile accidents and assault.
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